Services provided
- Senior Robotics researcher and practitioner
Graduated with a doctorate degree in robotics, designed and applied many robots in the field of smart health care.
- Business Expert of Smart City、Smart Building、Smart Elderly Care Industry
Proficient in the application of smart IoT technologies in smart cities, smart buildings、smart warehousing、smart elderly care industry, professional at leading the team to formulate the industry development direction, and design and construct the corresponding technical platform framework, and lead the team to develop home-care and institutional-care health related products and systems.
- Senior AI Scientist
AI、machine learning、data mining、pattern recognition、 big data platform architecture、AIoT、digital twin、high-performance computing、cloud computing/computer clustering、GPU computing.
- IT Company R&D Operation management
Advanced custom software development. Hardware supply chain development management.
- President,IntelliRaise Technologies Ltd
Vancouver, Canada, April 2020~ present
- CEO,Wisdom Artificial Intelligence Corp.
Vancouver, Canada, Sept 2017~ present
- Founder and CTO,SimuMind Technology Ltd.
Vancouver, Canada,Sept. 2015 ~ August 2017
- Chief Data Architect,Awesense
Vancouver, Canada,May 2015 ~ Sept 2015
- Chief Data Scientist,
Vancouver, Canada, March 2012 ~ April 2015
- Algorithm Scientist,Canada's Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre
Vancouver, Canada,March 2009 ~ March 2012
- Project Supervisor/Senior Software Engineer,Pipeline49 Technology Group Inc.
Vancouver, Canada,Sept 2007 ~ Jan 2009
- Software Engineer,Zedi Canada Inc.
Edmonton, Canada,April 2007 ~ Sept 2007
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Alberta, Canada
PhD, 2002~2007
Major: Artificial Intelligence and Robot Learning
- School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Master, 2000~2002
Major: Artificial Intelligence
- Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
Bachelor, 1991~1995
Major: Electronic Engineering