
    Associate Pastor of Care - Saskatoon, SK, Canada - Briercrest College and Seminary

    Default job background

    1. To provide leadership and training to help our church community live more effectively on mission

    2. To provide leadership and supervision in the area of pastoral care through a team of trained volunteers

    3. To assist in general pastoral duties as part of a ministry staff team (connecting, discipleship, leadership)

    4. As a licensed minister of the Mennonite Brethren to assist with preaching, teaching administration of sacraments, baptisms, weddings, funerals, counseling, crisis care.


    I.? Primary focus ? 80%

    Key: Staff person will accomplish their ministry through the recruitment, development, & support of volunteers.

    A. Missional Catalyst (30%)

    1. Develop & oversee a strategic prayer team & ministry

    2. Develop and implement a missional equipping strategy

    Casting vision, telling stories
    Practical equipping & training
    Mentoring key leaders
    Creating an intentional invitational culture

    3. Foster strategic community relationships/partnerships

    B. Pastoral Care (30%)

    1. Discover and track those needing care

    2. Develop & coordinate a volunteer care team

    4. Pastoral liaison with our seniors? group

    C.? Missions Team & Pipeline (10%)

    1. Lead our missions team (maintaining relationships with our missionaries, missions Sunday planning)

    2. Provide leadership to our 3-stage missions experience pipeline

    Okanagan Gleaners (summer team)
    SOAR X (Feb. break, partnership with Multiply)
    Impact (Guatemala, Feb. every other year)

    3. Cross-cultural liaison with our growing ethnically diverse congregation

    D. Crisis Care (10%)

    1. Develop & coordinate an ECG (extra care giving) team for those in crisis or needing long-term care

    2. Develop support groups so that those in crisis are cared for and ?grow through it? (ie. GriefShare)

    II.? Secondary Focus ? 20% (This would need to be negotiated based on interest & availability, but could include?)

    1.Provide leadership to our Freedom Sessions & Authentic Living discipleship programs

    1. Help foster a culture of growing & emerging leadership (could involve classes & training, weekend seminars or retreats, or working intentionally with pods or small leadership groups each year)

    C.????? Pastoral Duties

    1. Assist with preaching (roughly 1/8 Sundays) and platform ministry

    2. Assist with weddings and funerals, as needed

    3. Participate in various roles as part of a ministry team (ie. Retreat, special events, conferences)

    III.? Inter Office

    It is expected the following will be ongoing priorities:

    A. Staff meetings once each week.

    B. One-to-one coaching meetings as scheduled.

    C. Presence at special events / functions.

    VI.? Organizational relationships

    The Associate Pastor of Care & Outreach is employed by the body of West Portal Church.? They are accountable to the Team Lead for day-to-day routines, ministry discernment and carrying out of the vision as set out by West Portal Church.? It is expected that they will display a passion and aptitude for their ministry while maintaining a heart for the needs of the broader church family.

    Note:? The needs in a growing church often demand changes in job descriptions.? Any major changes will be directed by the Leadership Team in consultation with the staff affected.


  • Briercrest College and Seminary Saskatoon, SK, Canada

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