Jim Murray

2 years ago ·

Post by Jim

Today is the 20th Anniversary of the tragic 9/11 terronst
attacks in New York City and Washington DC.

I remember it vividly But then again, something hike
that would be very hard to forget. One of the things it
tagged in me was a deepening of my cunosity about
the US and how things worked there. So | started paying
closer attention First on TV and Radio and later on the

One of the things 9/11 did was increased the US
involvement in the Middle East, which in hindsight.
always 20/20. was a pretty big boo boo. And frankly. [
think 1t absolutely delighted all the ant-American
terronst groups over there, because it gave them the
land of cred they were looking for. The great Satan. they
called it. And while the the US was eventually able to
locate and destroy the figurchead of the movement in
Osama Bin Laden. they still had the whole rest of a rather
unruly beast to deal with

And so it went from Iraq to Afghanistan by way of Syna
The big bad Amencan forces against the ragtag rebels
who were so crazy that even Islam didn't want anything
to do with them. 20 years of fighting and traning and
hoping and billions and casualties and deaths and what
did they have to show for it?

While it did nothing for the US internationally, it did a
stupendous job of separating the country into left and
nght wing factions. It weakened the whole country’s
respect for government. And it gave rise to one of the
most destructive presidencies in the country's history.
Four years of pounng alcohol on the open wounds of the
country. talang 1t out of the exalted position of a great
democracy down to a political level more alan to so
called banana republics.

And all the while. the terronsts all over the Middle East
were smiling. Their hero Bin Laden had managed to un-
screw all the fasteners that were holding the US together

And so here we are 20 years later. The sadness 1s even
more pronounced by the deep tears it created in the
national fabnc that country. America is now a country
divided. Common ground 1s rare has her's teeth. And
while it still has all the economic potential it used to
have. the warring factions within are making any real
21st Century progress real uphill work

It would be great if all Amencans could take a few
moments on this day and think hard and deep about
what their country really means to them. And what a
unified nation with that country’s potential can do for all
its people. and for the world


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